Digital Value Shepherds

Our Mission

At Digital Value Shepherds, our mission is to increase the value of your company. We do this by creating unique and innovative digital solutions tailored to your company, while at the same time, removing the barriers of entry, including technical know-how and initial cost.

Our Team

We have a very small team of hand-picked experts, who have worked together for years and can attest to the character of each teammate.

Our Services

Essential Cloud Migration

We offer essential cloud migration services with continuous monitoring to ensure high availability, performance, security and privacy of your applications and data.

Value Streams

Beyond the essentials, we design and build very specialized/customized solutions, by leveraging the latest digital cloud technology along with the experience of our hand-picked engineers. These solutions are designed to create new "streams" of value for your company. We do all this with very little risk and no initial capital expense. With Value Streams, we are confident that you will accelerate your business growth.


Digital Value Shepherds seeks to create value for any business by “shepherding” your journey to digital transformation. We offer two levels of service: Essential Cloud Migration and the highly creative Value Streams.

Nothing!  We are truly unique as we do not charge any up-front fees or require any purchases!  Instead, we seek to create new ways in the digital cloud space to generate additional value for your company.  With this model, we target to share just 20 percent of this newly created value as an operational expense. You are never billed until the value is created. There is literally no risk to try us out!

Digital Value Shepherds has worked with clients in many different industries, including healthcare, technology, finance, and more.

In the first decade of the 21st century, a major revolution in computing began, which is known as “Cloud Computing”, or simply the “Cloud”. This allowed companies to avoid the up-front (cap-ex) costs of building out data centers to host all of their computing needs and instead, are now able to expense (op-ex) their computing needs as they eb and flow. This evened the playing field for companies small and large. However, developing and operating custom solutions in the cloud remains cost-prohibitive for small companies. They are typically forced into capex solutions. Most of these capex solutions don't work well initially and are too costly to maintain. Most shops do not develop with this objective, rather to make money up front and move on (see next question)

Big and medium sized businesses have dedicated DevOps teams. These are built with engineers making $100-300K salary. This creates two problems: 1) hiring teams is just not financially feasible for small businesses, and 2) this requires small businesses to use custom 3rd party solutions. These require large, up-front, cap-ex. Additionally, these providers only have interest in providing the solution. They place little value on the continuing operation of their solution (think used car sales).

It is not easy! The answer lies in four parts: 1) state of the art cloud technology, 2) low-code and even no-code solutions, 3) experts at understanding the best path to success, and 4) serverless, administration-free workloads.

Contact Us

Send us a request for more information or to schedule a free analysis: Digital Value Shepherds

Additional Resources

How Custom IT Solutions Can Benefit Your Business

Shifting from CAPEX to OPEX

Why more CFOs are shifting IT investment form CAPEX to OPEX

We asked ChatGPT how the cloud can be used by small business